Since the very beginnings of Hollywood, stars have been using surgical procedures to enhance their beauty. Decades later, non-invasive procedures like Botox, laser treatments, and filler mean that basically, no celebrity face goes untouched. However, some celebs embrace the transformative powers of cosmetic surgery more than others. These stars have paid megabucks to enhance their beauty, some with better results than others.
Cher – $750,000
The Goddess of Pop has always been into transformations, both surgically and artistically. Cher has never shied away from her cosmetic procedures, and still looks great in her 70s.

Overall, Cher estimates that she’s spent around $750,000 on cosmetic procedures. Considering many surgeries need to be topped up over the years, it’s no surprise that Cher’s beauty maintenance bill is high. The singer and actress has had eyelid surgeries, rhinoplasties, a chest augmentation, a facelift, dental surgery, and regular Botox.
Iggy Azalea – $40,000
Australian rapper Iggy Azalea has undergone quite a transformation since first appearing on the music scene. The star has spoken about her chest augmentation and nose job, and sources speculate she has also had a chin implant, lip fillers, and a brow lift.

The star told Ellen DeGeneres that she didn’t “need” surgery, but that “it’s a personal choice.” She said, “Anybody, man or woman, they should be able to make an informed decision, and if you want to change something, then that’s up to you.”
Khloé Kardashian – $100,000
It’s no surprise that the Kardashian-Jenner sisters are fans of changing their appearance. Rumors of butt implants and lip fillers have always swirled around the siblings, but it’s unclear exactly what procedures they’ve had. In Khloé’s case, sources speculate the star has undergone liposuction or had butt injections.

Judging by recent snaps of the star, it looks like KoKo has had some facial cosmetic surgery. She has previously said that “plastic surgery should be viewed almost like makeup […] and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”
Suzanne Somers – $20,000
Known for playing Chrissy Snow on Three’s Company, Suzanne Somers shocked audiences when she underwent plastic surgery in 2010. It’s thought that the star had a stem-cell facelift, which isn’t FDA approved. At the time, while on TV talk shows, her face appeared puffy and bumpy.

Since then Somers is rumored to have had more procedures — including rhinoplasties, lip injections, eyelid lifts, a chest augmentation, and Botox. Now in her 70s, the star is an advocate of a controversial hormone replacement therapy.
Amanda Bynes – $18,000
Amanda Bynes has had two cosmetic procedures and intends to get more. First, she got a breast augmentation but undid it as she found the implants to be “uncomfortable.” Recently, the former actress has gotten a nose job and seems to love the results.

“I’m so sick of magazines and blogs using old photos! When will they stop? I will never look like that again! Having surgery was the most amazing thing for my confidence!” For what it’s worth, we think Amanda looks beautiful both before and after her surgery.
Jennifer Aniston – $30,500
Jennifer Aniston has had two nose jobs but she insists that she hasn’t undergone any other surgeries. Although she hasn’t had a lot of work done, the actress has been open with fans about the fact that her beauty is the result of a lot of expensive procedures.

As she hilariously posted on her Instagram, “I’m just a girl… standing with hair and makeup. A stylist. A photographer. A lighting crew, wind machine, props, and a computer… asking you to think I woke up like this.”
Kourtney Kardashian – $25,000
Kourtney Kardashian is often praised as being one of the most natural of the Kardashian clan. While there have been endless rumors and speculations that the reality star has had multiple fillers, injections, and even a butt job, Kourtney insists that she’s only ever had one procedure.

Kourtney got a breast augmentation when she was 21 years old but now says that she regrets it as she feels she looked “cute” before the surgery.
Michael Jackson – $1,000,000
Experts speculate that Michael Jackson had over 100 cosmetic procedures done and even his mother admitted that her son was “addicted” to plastic surgery. We can’t argue with all the work the King of Pop had but the fact that he dyed his skin is often misunderstood.

Michael had vitiligo, an autoimmune disorder that causes white patches on the skin. The singer lightened the non-vitiligo parts of his skin in an effort to even out his skin tone — it was not an attempt to appear white (as many incorrectly believe).
Tori Spelling – $13,000
Lately, Tori Spelling has been accused of looking oddly like Khloé Kardashian (who’s also widely thought to be a fan of plastic surgery). The actress insists that it’s all the work of excellent makeup and contouring, but fans aren’t convinced.

That being said, Tori has admitted to getting a breast augmentation when she was younger but she now regrets it. Sadly, the procedure made it difficult for Tori to breastfeed her children and she says she never would’ve gotten the surgery had she been warned of its risks.
Joan Rivers – $99,000
Joan Rivers had so many plastic surgeries that the comedian often included her procedures, and ever-changing appearance, in her stand-up. According to her daughter, Joan had a whopping 348 cosmetic operations and was never pleased with her physical appearance.

It’s worth noting that Joan claimed to have had upwards of 700 procedures but that’s often thought to be a joke. Sadly, even after all her procedures, Rivers still didn’t feel beautiful enough — proving that sometimes plastic surgery isn’t the answer.