My Hypocrite Sister Demanded I Let Our Mom Live in My Home but I Made Another Plan

When my sister demanded I take our neglectful mother into my home, I decided to stand up for myself. What happened next tested family bonds, revealed painful truths, and forced us to confront years of unresolved hurt.


When we were kids, my dad worked hard to support us. My mom, though, stayed at home. You’d think she was taking care of us, but she wasn’t. She spent her days on the sofa, glued to the TV. She barely cooked or cleaned. It was like she wasn’t a mom to us at all.

Lazy woman on the sofa | Source: Pexels

Lazy woman on the sofa | Source: Pexels

My sister Amy and I grew up in the same house, but we had very different experiences. I was always the one picking up the slack. By the time I was 10, I was making meals and cleaning. Amy, on the other hand, didn’t lift a finger. She was Mom’s favorite, and it showed.

When I turned 18, my mom kicked me out. She said it was time for me to be independent. Amy, though, got to stay. She was 16 then. I remember Dad argued with Mom about it.

Young woman out on the streets | Source: Pexels

Young woman out on the streets | Source: Pexels

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